
The Settings -> Users It displays the list of all users, including all roles: Training managers, teachers, and students.

This section provides an overview of the total number of users created, divided by role.

From this option, you can delete and create new users or perform bulk uploads.

Delete user

  1. Select the user or users you want to delete.
  2. Click on Delete User.
  3. Confirm this decision.

The action of Deleting is irreversible, so you must be sure that it is the correct user and decision.

New user

  • Click on New User.
  • Fill in the required information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Class
    • Role
  • Click on Create.

The new user is added to the general list, sorted in alphabetical order.

For quicker and more efficient user location, use the search bar or the available filters:

  • By name
  • By class
  • By role