
Here, reports on students' academic performance are generated. These reports provide a comprehensive overview of their performance in different areas and activities.

In this section, averaged information per student is presented for class assignments, tests, and iRead. The results show the percentage obtained from initial assignments, final assignments, and the average of both.

Self-Study / Assignments / Test / iRead

Self-study view

Assignments view

Test view

iRead view

You can toggle the view of the initial scores, the latest scores, or the average score.

  • Click the switch to toggle on/off.
    • The green switch indicates that the view is active.
    • The gray switch indicates that the view is inactive.

Use the 'Type' filter to review scores for assignments by the teacher, activities self-study, or the average of both.

Each student can be individually viewed for better tracking. 

  • Click on the student's name to view their results.
  • Click on each activity to review it in detail.