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  1. Schedule

    General schedule PI 20 PI 21 PI 22 PI 23 Nov    CMS    Login    Dashboard     Feb Assignments  ↑ May Launch Strategy Settings  ↑ Notifications Aug Launch Dec    Lo...
  2. Requirements

    Functional and non-functional Functional and non-functional requirements are key aspects in RSP testing. Functional Requirements: Login: Users should be able to log in using their credentials through integration. Profile Management: U...
  3. Devices and specifications

    To conduct testing, it's essential to consider various devices and specifications to ensure that the platform functions smoothly across different environments. Desktop devices Windows PC Operating System: Windows 10 or higher...
  4. Teams and roles

    To effectively carry out RSP testing, a team covering different roles is essential. Each team member brings specific skills and perspectives to ensure that the RSP functions correctly and meets user expectations. Project manager Respons...
  5. Success criteria

    To evaluate the success of the tests performed, it is essential to define specific and measurable criteria. Functionality and Stability Error rate: The percentage of actions resulting in errors should be minimal. Uptime: The RSP should be ...
  6. Functional testing workflow

    Environment setup Action Description Detailed plan Scope Requirements Schedule Success criteria Test case design Action Description Test case identification Develop test cases based on requirements and specifi...
  7. Creating test cases

    Format - Example Test Case ID TC001 Description User login verification. Preconditions The user will log in via Santillana Connect. Steps to follow Navigate to the login page. Click on "Santillana Connect". En...
  8. Criterios de éxito

    Para evaluar el éxito de las pruebas realizadas, es fundamental definir criterios específicos y medibles.  Funcionamiento y Estabilidad Tasa de errores: El porcentaje de acciones que resultan en errores debe ser mínimo. Tiempo de activ...
  9. Cronograma

    Cronograma general PI 20 PI 21 PI 22 PI 23 Nov    CMS    Login    Dashboard     Feb Assignments  ↑ May Launch Strategy Settings  ↑ Notifications...
  10. Definición de objetivos

    Concepto Descripción Funcionalidad Verificar que todas las características y funciones operan como se espera. Usabilidad Evaluar la facilidad de uso y la experiencia del usuario. Rendimiento Medir la rapidez y eficienci...